A Dopamine Exhibit
PROJECT BRIEF Interactive Exhibiton ︎ 2022
Have you noticed that within the past 3 years, you feel less focused day-to-day? The more that we interact with the fast paced environment of social media, the more we should talk about how it impacts our brains and mental wellbeing overall. In hopes of better educating other on this, we created an interactive exhibition geared towards bringing people’s attention back to how social media can and has altered how dopamine has been processed within their brain.
Interaction Design
Exhibition Design
Interaction Design
Exhibition Design
Laser Cutter
Laser Cutter

The Goal︎
Our goal was to showcase how the popularity of fast-paced social media content has impacted how artists approach creating music. We also wanted to explore how that shift has affected how people consume music, especially with our generations usually finding new music through the virality of it on these social media platforms.
The Concept︎
Our concept was to visualize the grip that social media has over the music industry. To do this, we planned to make an interactive exhibit that showcased how one of these platforms, Tiktok, has populairized shorter and sped up music. To keep within the theme, we decided to use the already existing TikTok logo and tun it into a physical volume slider. The goal was for the slider to control the speed that song played to convey to the user the increasing demand of your attention on the platform.

What We Learned︎
This process, due to how quick the turnaround, made me more aware of my communication when it comes to a group project. Also, I learned to be more think mreo critically about how people think when approaching public exhibtions. The quidance that an exhibit needs to ensure that the user as essnetilly no questions when interacting with it made me rethink how museums set up exhibition spaces