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Tobias Frere-Jones: Modern Type Posters

PROJECT BRIEF                                                                                Poster Series︎2021

For this project, I was tasked with picking a designer from a list spanning a large set of disciplines. After researching their work and impact of their field, our goal was to create a work, or set of works, that would educate others on the significance of the designer’s career.


Adobe Photoshop
Card Stock

The Goal︎

My goal for this proejct was to detail the career of Type Designer Toboas Frere- Jones’ career through the lense of his own typography. Using his work as a framework, I wanted to create a set of posters detailing the most notable typefaces that he has been a part of.

The Concept︎

I wanted to create series of posters, 9 in total, showcasing the many cases that people have seen his work and how it came to fruition. Some of the typefaces were used by companies that I interacted with almost daily. With that in mind, I created a series of nine posters that detailed the three distinct eras I had noticed in his career. I had taken inspiration from promotional mailers that some type foundries used to advertise their typefaces. I did this with the goal of both bringing more visual interest and more information about each type family.

Final Posters
